Juilliard offers a number of excellent learning opportunities for artists at any skill level during the summer months.
Summer 音乐 的ory and Ear Training
朱丽亚扩展’s Summer 音乐 的ory and Ear Training classes are designed specifically for high school-age students. Our college-level, online courses range in level from fundamental concepts to advanced training. Join students from around the world to progress musically, prepare for Advanced Placement exams, 获得大学学分.
Summer Extension Courses for Adults
朱丽亚扩展 offers year-round continuing education and each summer presents music, 跳舞, and 戏剧 courses for students aged 18 and above. Whether you’re aiming to refine your existing skills or explore new artistic realms, Extension offerings provide an ideal platform for personal enrichment.
Juilliard 夏天组成
Juilliard 夏天组成 is a two-week program offering high school composers the opportunity to live and 研究 at Juilliard’s campus, at 林肯中心 in New York City, with world-renowned Juilliard faculty members and guest artists. Rehearse, record, and perform your works with Juilliard musicians. Explore iconic New York City music and arts institutions. Receive mentorship from leaders in the field. Prepare yourself for success in college auditions and beyond. 提供财政援助.
茱莉亚夏季钢琴 is a 10-day program offering advanced high school pianists the opportunity to live, 研究, and perform at Juilliard’s campus, at 林肯中心 in New York City. Learn from world-renowned Juilliard 钢琴 faculty members and guest artists in daily lessons, 大师班, 钢琴工作室课程, 和研讨会. Perform in recording sessions and public recitals. Meet mentors and prepare yourself for success in college auditions and beyond. 提供财政援助.
茱莉亚夏日之声 is a nine-day program offering advanced high school singers the opportunity to live, 研究, and perform at Juilliard’s campus, at 林肯中心 in New York City. Learn from world-renowned Juilliard faculty members and guest artists in lessons, 教练, 运动类, 表演课, 以及每天的研讨会. Meet current Juilliard college students and make connections with mentors in the vocal arts field. Prepare yourself for success in college auditions and beyond. 提供财政援助.
Juilliard's 夏季打击乐讲座 is designed specifically for advanced high-school percussionists. During two intensive weeks, participants will experience a challenging range of 大师班, 诊所, 讲座, 排练, and performances led by some of today’s most prominent percussion teachers and performers.
Juilliard 夏季舞蹈集训
的 Juilliard 夏季舞蹈集训 is a three-week program in ballet, 现代, and contemporary 跳舞 techniques for advanced students who want a taste of what a Juilliard 跳舞 student's life is all about: refining technique and performance, broadening understanding of various 跳舞 styles, and making friends from all over the world.
Juilliard 弦乐四重奏 Seminar
Each year esball世博 hosts a weeklong seminar to foster the artistic growth of pre-formed, pre-professional string quartets. Through intensive coaching and mentoring with members of the Juilliard 弦乐四重奏, as well as interaction with other participating quartets, students are able to refine their artistry in a stimulating artistic environment.
Summer Performing Arts With Juilliard
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, hosted at Nord Anglia Schools, offers immersive programs for performing artists ages 12-18. Under the direction of Juilliard artist faculty, students from around the world cultivate their skills and creative talents in 跳舞, 戏剧, 和音乐. Our programs offer 2-week intensive experiences such with private lessons, 艺术的合作, 针对, 研讨会, 还有舞蹈表演, 戏剧, 音乐剧, 钢琴, 和声音.
Starling-DeLay Symposium on 小提琴 Studies
的 biennial Starling-DeLay Symposium on 小提琴 Studies is dedicated to fostering the legacy of the renowned teacher, 多萝西延迟, and features pre-eminent artist-faculty teaching pedagogy, 一流大师班, and performing in recitals.